April 2010

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Localvore – now the default

Late April localvore spread.

“Hey, lets go pick wild leeks and then make a localvore meal.” That welcome invitation from Karen came late last Saturday morning and by evening we had assembled  a magnificent feast. The last-minute dinner party was particularly notable for how easy it was to load the table with […]


The elusive black morel.

Finding morels, the first gourmet wild mushroom of the season, offers a thrill above all others. As maddeningly elusive as they are delicious, they’ve been a bit of an obsession of mine for the past decade. Despite my enthusiasm and frequent forays in search of them, each spring […]

Late April Snow Storm

Plum blossoms after snow stom

Wet, gloppy snow started falling yesterday morning and continued through most of today. Electrical power has been out for 36 hours due to trees and branches falling on power lines. Since we have a wood stove for heat, the biggest inconvenience has been lack of water.

So strangely […]

What’s ready for harvest in mid-April?

Salad of mixed greens from hoop house

Fresh harvests of salad greens, herbs, scallions and even a few spears of asparagus have increasingly supplied our table from the unheated hoop house over the past few weeks. Spinach and lettuces planted in February and March now pump out new leaves for regular picking. Despite […]

Dandelions – the ultimate spring tonic

Dandelions ready to cook

Nan would look out at the bright dandelions in the pasture near her home and remember fondly how her mother and grandmother would fill their aprons with the greens in spring.  She spoke longingly of the how delicious they were, simmered in a big pot for hours, seasoned […]

Eating the landscape

Newest generation of foragers – Brynna with wild leeks

Since late November until just last week, walks in the woods and fields have been a little dull. Animal tracking can keep the brain cells active on winter walks, but for us non-hunters and foragers, the flush of green on the forest floor stimulates […]

Scenes from a summer weekend in April

Boiling last of the maple sap on an 80 degree day, drinking maple mojitos and listening to Bachata tunes.

Red maple blossoms and golden stems of willow, wash the hillsides with a faint echo of fall colors.

Hoop house ignites with green growth.

Duckies snarfling for […]