Green tomatoes picked before frost, ripening on trays
We’ll be staying close to home for Thanksgiving so can source the majority of ingredients for the feast from our 2010 harvests. As with every growing season, there were notable ups and downs but thanks to unusually good weather for plants, the successes far […]
Transplants in peat pots ready for fall.
August — the best of the summer months, when the weather more often than not cooperates for outdoor fun, the biting bugs diminish and the great season of bountiful harvests begins. But I can already feel the hours of daylight diminishing rapidly. Crickets now dominate the […]
May 13 before thinning
Lettuce grows like crazy in May thanks to the ample daylight hours and still-cool temperatures. It’s salad heaven — the reward for planting in early spring.
 A delightful array of colors and textures can be achieved by seeding multiple varieties of lettuce, but it’s also fun […]
Salad of mixed greens from hoop house
Fresh harvests of salad greens, herbs, scallions and even a few spears of asparagus have increasingly supplied our table from the unheated hoop house over the past few weeks. Spinach and lettuces planted in February and March now pump out new leaves for regular picking. Despite […]
Crumbly soil, ready to be planted.
With daytime temps hitting 60 degrees and an amazing stretch of sunny days, it was clearly time to plant in the bed that has been drying out for the past week. I simply removed the plastic, raked the beds and planted seeds, then covered the bed with […]
Wood ashes melting snow on bed prepared last fall for early spring planting.
To take best advantage of the Zone 4 growing season, get started now — outside. The tenderest spinach, the crispest radishes and nuttiest arugula are grown in the cold. They can survive the inevitable returns to winter over the next […]
 hoop house in last week’s snow storm
Yesterday’s sun ignited temperatures close to 90 degrees in the hoop house. Soil is now fully thawed and the winter-weary plants are stretching out and starting to grow.  It felt incredibly good to putter around, weeding, planting, watering in the sun without a jacket.   […]